

Mini Cadbury Egg Sugar Cookies

My 3-day baking stint is almost over.  Almost.  Just realized I have some ripe bananas that will have to make their way into some sort of bread, muffin or bar - I mean, I can't throw them away, can I?!  

Jack's cousins came over this afternoon to dye Easter eggs.  Have you ever tried to do that with toddlers?  Yeah, the activity lasts about a minute before they're on to something else, like eating.  Like eating these cookies.  I love this sugar cookie recipe because it's slightly chewy and just buttery and sugary enough.  Perfect for holidays because the candy center options are endless.  For these, mini Cadbury eggs - yum.  
Have Happy Weekends, you Bunnies, you.      


  1. Little did you know, you answered my wish exactly a year to the date! (
    Thank you!

  2. Happy to help, Lucy!

  3. These look yummy !!! I freeze my ripe bananas when I cant bake them right away, then there ready for smoothie or bread whenever I am ready to bake them. HAPPY EASTER !!

  4. Just heard about a new use for ripe bananas. Rhubarb and banana crunch. Go for it, and remember your midwestern roots :)

  5. good grief these look ALMOST too pretty to eat.


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