

Redneck Wine Glasses

I've checked out this week.  I'm sorry.  Mother in town, mother-in-law in town, postponed birthday party madness, life, life, life.  I'm sorry again.  I promise, GOOD THINGS come to those who wait.  Like, super good things that will make you want to nibble on your computer screen.  But for now I leave you with these Redneck Wine Glasses my mom bought us from a Palm Desert art show.  Aren't they awesome?  Great for wine or beer or a cocktail or to hold flowers or these.  Love that they have a lid.  Redneck roadie?  Find them on etsy here

1 comment:

  1. Hello :) well, I love to discover your blog! I love the photos, the way you write :). very cool :). well, what do you think we follow each other? tell me something, I liked! kisses and until soon I hope :)


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