

Oscar-themed Menu

If you're like me, you enjoy any excuse to make a themed dish.  Well the Oscars are this Sunday, and if you're planning on attending a party or hosting one yourself, here are some fun ideas to keep your snack foods and drinks festive and appropriately THEMED.  Themes are fun.  

The Descendants - The Corpse Reviver

Get it?  What, insensitive of me?  The film makes light of her coma, so why can't I?  And that was no spoiler, you find out George's wife is a vegetable within the first 15 seconds of the movie.  So if anything is going to revive a corpse, or a snoring group of Oscar party attendees, it's gin, lillet and absinthe.

I mean, you knew I was going to say fried chicken, right?  But bites!  Finger food!  Genius!  
Or you can serve little spoonfuls of Crisco.  

I was trying to think of something that makes absolutely no sound when you eat it, like an oyster slithering down your throat, but then if you're like me that's always accompanied by a loud "HOLY F THAT WAS GOOD!"  I know, I'm classy.  So I thought (Carson thought) of these - vintage, elegant, classic. 

Moneyball - Mini Pretzel Dogs  

What better way to celebrate a baseball film than by combining two ballpark staples: pretzels and dogs.  Please make these and tell me all about them in detail.  

So, anyone have any ideas for the rest of the films?  
Hugo, The Tree of Life, War- don't you dare suggest we cook horses.  


  1. This is brilliant! Love the black and white cookie for The Artist. I was trying to think of a confusing type of food that just doesn't make sense for The Tree of Life but gave up after a few seconds.

  2. I do this every year! My menu this year has some overlap with yours:

    Baguettes and french cheese (Midnight in Paris)
    Fried Chicken (The Help)
    Broccoli Casserole (Tree of Life..broccoli trees - it's a stretch)
    Hot Dogs (Moneyball)
    Black & White Cookies (The Artist)
    Coconut Cream Pie (Descendents)
    Jello jigglers in the shape of horses (War Horse)
    French Wine (Hugo)
    And for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, I was thinking Pop Rocks but went with Black Eye Pea Salsa - more because the Black Eyed Peas are extremely loud. Also a stretch...

    Happy cooking!

  3. Love those ideas!! Broccoli trees, perfect : )

  4. These are some cute ideas, those chicken bites look fab!



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