

Homemade Nutter Butter Cookies

Put the word "homemade" before a brand name cookie, candy, or really anything and I will try it.  Because the majority of the time, it will be better.  Maybe not identical, but with the same recognizable flavors on a whole new level of wonderful.  Take this peanut butter cookie, that begins with toasting oats in melted butter and fresh vanilla, beans and pod... 

Um, hi, right then and there you can claim you are better than the packaged Nutter Butters.  
You can claim you are better than anyone in the entire world.

By the by, I bought this yesterday at Williams-Sonoma and it's already changed my life. 

The first batch of cookies turned out pretty big, so I left those as plain old glorious peanut butter cookies.

I thinned out the dough for the second batch, and slathered a fat old dollop of peanut butter cream in between the cookies.  Nutter Butters, let's run away together...

You can find the recipe I used HERE.

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