

Corn Flake, Peanut Butter and Chocolate Bars

Let me ask you something.  Do you have peanut butter, corn flakes, chocolate chips, sugar and corn syrup in your pantry?  Do you have 10 minutes of free time today?  Then you should make these.

My favorite kind of recipe is one you can make absent-mindedly, like in between taking down your Christmas tree (finally) and going pee.  Yesterday, as I was (sort of) (considering to begin) taking down my Christmas tree I thought, I have to pee, and as I walked to the bathroom I accidentally made these bars on the way.  Of course then I went back to disassembling (staring at) the Christmas tree.

Recipe found here.    


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    But do they taste good? Although sometimes, just being easy is enough.

  2. Thanks girlfriend! They're awesome - right? I had to give them away as I didn't trust myself alone around them :)

  3. Yes Anonymous, they taste excellent.

    Carolyn, trying to find someone to give them away to as we speak! Thanks for the great recipe : )


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