

Brown Butter and Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies

I'm going to post something healthy tomorrow.  Something with leafy greens and protein and vitamins and minerals.  A dish you cook in a pot on a stove and eat in a bowl with a spoon.  No oven involved.  No chocolate involved.  No butter involved.  I promise.

But it's Monday, and what good are Mondays if you can't hang on to a tiny bit of the weekend?  Ah the weekend, when anything goes like eating cookies and meatball subs and pizza all in one day (is football over yet?). 

I stumbled across THIS RECIPE yesterday as I was trying to find an original chocolate chip cookie to make for a football party.  Original it was.  Not only did it require browning 2 sticks of butter...    

...which gave the cookies a subtle nutty, almost caramel-like flavor, but it also required sea salt in the dough and atop the cookies.  My new favorite ingredient.  If you haven't tried it yet, what are you waiting for???  The weekend???  Don't be a dumbo head.  


  1. Siri, you are the fount of all wonderful cookie recipes!

  2. Meatball sandwiches?? Make those and post about them next!!

  3. These look yummy!! And right up my ally! When I heard Carson plug these on the radio, I knew I wanted to eat one!! Lol Anything with dark chocolate and sea salt can be part of my everyday diet, throw in almonds and carmel and Im in heaven!! Im always looking for new recipies with these ingredients so post whatcha got!! :) Thanks!!

  4. These look yummy!! And right up my ally! When I heard Carson plug these on the radio, I knew I wanted to eat one!! Lol Anything with dark chocolate and sea salt can be part of my everyday diet, throw in almonds and carmel and Im in heaven!! Im always looking for new recipies with these ingredients so post whatcha got!! :) Thanks!!

  5. Showed these to Shane and he heard Carson giving them props on the radio the next day. Pretty funny. This morning he called me telling me apps to download that he heard on the radio too. Funny hubby! Love it!

  6. I don't know what to try first - the mousse or these cookies. Brown butter?!? Sign me up!


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