

Birthday Cake

Or Valentine's Day Cake?  Look at those adorable edible glitter hearts, which you can purchase HERE...

But technically, this is a birthday cake, because that's what the recipe (HERE) was called.  Katy and I had great friends visit this weekend from Minnesota.  We cooed over babies, reminisced about high school, ate excellent food and enjoyed the ridiculously gorgeous weather.  And there was cake.  Isn't there always cake?  My friend Meghan and I both have early February birthdays, so I made her a cake, and I guess I sort of made it for myself also.  Do you think it's embarrassing to make yourself a cake?  I don't.  I say do it everyday of your life.  OR ELSE.  

(Random unnecessary threat there) 

Delicious cake, by the way.  I was a huge fan of the rich chocolate frosting.  
Best served with ice cream or berries, I think.  


  1. Not embarrassing. Last year I made 26 red velvet cupcakes for my birthday. I was only able to sample 21 of them because I had a few friends over for dinner. I hope theirs were good!

    This cake looks delicious! Happy early birthday, Siri!

  2. YUM looks delicious !!!

  3. It WAS delicious! I'm so lucky to have such a talented and generous friend!! Thanks again!! xoxo


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