

Tal Bagels

Hi.  Sorry I've been missing.  I'm in New York, having a religious experience.  At St. Pat's??  No, no, noooo you silly bird.  At Tal Bagels.

Everything Bagel.  Cream Cheese.  Whitefish Spread.  OH MY GOD.
Oh and Egg Salad on the side.  

How many bagels is too many bagels?  Gonna find out...


  1. HO-LEE-CRAP those look good.

  2. YUM. Now that you have that iphone please start posting every meal on your travels. On instagram?? As always, living vicariously. Nom nom.

  3. Tal Bagels is a goodie. The kids I babysat for always wanted them for lunch and I didn't argue. Have you tried Ess-A Bagels? If not, it is a must your next trip.

  4. ok, I lived in NY for an entire year and I never tried a NYC bagel. What was I thinking?? Is this your favorite bagel joint?

  5. Happy New Year !!!!!!!!!!! You can bring some home !!!!! No one will argue !!

  6. Heidi that is a SIN! I haven't tried a ton of places but this one is great. And Lucy, I'll have to try Ess-A next time!

    Katy - once my phone is hooked up I will I will!!


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