

Homemade Almond Joys

As a kid, you didn't like Almond Joys, did you?  They had almonds in them, ew, and something called coconut, which just sounded gross because it had the word "nut" in it.  Besides, your mom loved them, so you knew they were "adult candies" that were best paired with wine.  

Am I just talking about my childhood?  Ok.  I feel so alone.

Anyway, I did NOT care for these as a kid and now I adore them.  And I say words like "adore" when referring to food, because I'm a giant, grown-up food nerd. 

Found this recipe online and it's super (so is the blog) - tastes JUST like the candy bar if not better.  

There is never a time when I do not want to swim in chocolate.


  1. Ah, yes. Pair this with a lovely pinot noir :)

  2. oh my gosh SAVE ME ONE!!!

  3. I am with you on this one! I didn't like then when I was a kid, and I looooove them now!


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