

Spanish Beans

Last night was Taco Thursday at our house.  But not just any Taco Thursday (that sounds so wrong), let me explain...  

A couple weeks ago I was at my friend Cindy's daughter's first birthday party.  Cindy's mom, Monica, was visiting.  Monica is originally from Ecuador and as Cindy says, she's an incredibly talented and super yummy cook.  From Ecuadorian dishes to Dominican cuisine, she provides that extra something that makes her food delectable.  I'll tell you what that something extra is.  SOFRITO.  Click on that link if you don't know what it is.  Monica sent me home with a jar of it, homemade.  Holy beans that stuff is good!  Monica's sofrito is made with fresh vegetables, and Cindy says she uses it in several dishes including beef, chicken or even just plain ole spanish beans with rice.  The following is her recipe.  There is nothing "plain ole" about them.  They are magical.    

Lookie here, you can purchase sofrito on the interweb.  But if I were you, I would go to Disney's Animal Kingdom where Monica is an Area Manager and beg her to make you some.    

Spanish Beans
(Serves 4)

1 T vegetable oil
1 strip bacon, diced
1 T sofrito
1 tsp vinegar (or capful)
1/2 can tomato sauce
1 can red kidney beans (do not drain)
3 stems cilantro, chopped

Heat oil in pot over medium heat.  Add bacon.  Once bacon is crispy, add sofrito.  Listen to it sizzle and breath it in.  Yum.

Stir sofrito and cook briefly.  Add vinegar and tomato sauce.  Cook until it begins to bubble (I turned up heat slightly).

Once bubbling, add entire can of beans, stir.  Bring to a boil, then lower heat and cover.  

Let simmer until beans are soft and cooked through.  Add chopped cilantro and serve with white rice.


  1. This looks fantastically delicious, do you have Monica's Sofrito recipe to share with us?

  2. Sadly I do not, Shawna, as far as I know it's some giant secret. But if I get it out of her, I will definitely share!


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