

Deep Sea Fishing: It's What Isn't For Dinner

I went deep sea fishing last week with Carson's Dad, and like a moronic idiot I forgot my camera. So I tried to turn my lame, blurry blackberry photos into classic, antique-y shots. Thanks iPhoto. Truth is, I didn't have much time to take pictures because I was SO BUSY FISHING! It was a blast, I caught around 10 fish and was beyond thrilled at the thought of bringing home fresh seafood for dinner. Except. I had to throw them ALL back. Yeah, apparently there are fish called "keepers" and none of mine were that, they were all too small. Then how come my arm is still sore?? Oh yeah, because I'm out of shape and my arms are noodles.

Our fine vessel...

I used to think pelicans were neat birds and all but NOT ANYMORE. The stupid things went after all of my bait and I can't tell you how many times my hook got stuck in their gigantic mouths. Luckily, the deckhands (did I just make that up?) were able to free them each time so don't get all PETA on me. (But I'm pretty sure when there aren't tourists on the boat those guys throw rocks at their heads.)

The best part of the day... the Galley down below where you could order breakfast. Fried egg, ooey gooey melted American cheese and crisp bacon sandwiched between toasty garlic bread. Unreal.

HAD I caught any "keepers" this dude would have scaled, butchered and cleaned the fish for me to take home. So sad. I entertained the idea of stealing someone's "keeper," throwing myself overboard and swimming ashore. But then I remembered sharks.

Anyway, it was a great time and I would do it again in a heartbeat. But I would bring some rocks for the pelicans. WHAT?!


  1. Haha, I'd love to see the crew's face if you stole someone's fish and swam ashore. Sounds like fun, even if only for the breakfast.

  2. Next time...I want to go too!!!


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