

Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies

I have baked a lot of cookies on this here blog, but none better than this one. BOLD STATEMENT, I KNOW. Remember when I talked about the best cookie I've ever had in my 30 years of life? And remember when I got all amazing at you and found the recipe? Well, I made them, and my life is now complete.

They're not actually called Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies, but I'M going to call them that because I think the coarse sea salt magnifies the entire damn thing, elevating it from GREAT to TASTE SENSATION. And it's not just the salt... it's the extra half-stick of butter, the two different kinds of flour and the copious amount of this...

Chocolate in every bite. The recipe calls for 'discs' but I used these and a shaved dark chocolate bar.

dough... it hurts, how much I love you...

look closely... oh, lovely salt...

making them again right now... not a joke...


  1. I'm telling you, this is going to make my life so much easier. I used to adjust my route in order to "stop by" a JT shop. Now I can have them in my own kitchen - in multiples!

  2. oh you shouldnt have! These look crazy yum

  3. Dude. I want these now! And I covet your block of dark chocolate. Yum!

  4. I guess I'll be blowing my diet tomorrow after I make these cookies

  5. I just bookmarked this recipe. Chocolate is my fave and these cookies look "stunnerballs." (word I learned from Being Ingrid)

  6. I love, love salted desserts right now and these look incredible!


I read all of your comments, because I love comments, and I love you.