

Alaskan Salmon

Remember Kiki and Pops? After their anniversary dinner with the family, the two of them jetted off on a 12-day Alaskan Cruise. Yes please, someday. Yesterday, a box was delivered to our doorstep, and when I opened it, I saw this beautiful sight inside...

Alaskan Salmon, caught by the teeth of a big, grizzly bear, I presume (or by the people at Taku, whatever). Carson grills THEEE best salmon, and I like food shipped to me in a box, so we were both pretty excited about dinner last night.

He drizzles his salmon with a little oil, salt and pepper and a special seasoning blend. Under no circumstances, says he, am I to reveal what that is. It's TOP SECRET.

What? How did that? Who?? I've gotta contact Blogger. This is ludicrous. I am furious. Something must be done. (Product available here.)

YUM. The picture below is my favorite part... crackly fish skin. Carson lets me eat all of his, because he's not gross like me.

This was delicious, delicious fish. And I'm usually partial to the farm-raised stuff! Not this time. Thanks Kiki and Pops!


  1. I'm partial to my salt/pepper/brown sugar rub topping the salmon grilled on a cedar plank. I'll try this!!!

  2. I totally fail at fish. Was this cooked on a grill and how and how long? I found you by looking at pics so I'm gonna explore your blog a bit.


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