

MD 2011 - Food Extravaganza!

Would it surprise you to learn that my Mother's Day weekend was completely centered around food? Except for the beautiful flowers above, I didn't eat those. Came close. I hope the rest of you moms and your mothers and grandmothers and you mamas-to-be had delicious weekends too! Can I tell you about mine? No choice, here I go.

The weekend began on Friday night with dinner out at The Hungry Cat. They just opened a location dangerously close to our house and it might become our Cheers. It was a close-to-perfect meal. Snow Crab Claws and Arctic Char and Grilled Octopus and Alaskan Halibut... we shared, don't worry. Jack even tried some octopus! And by that I mean he let it touch his tongue. And then he did this...

That's Stretch from Toy Story 3. I think Jack was trying to save him from being eaten by his mom.

On Saturday we were out and about all day. A trip to the Griffith Park Train Rides and a mosey around the LA Zoo. That's right, a mosey. Back to the food part. For dinner, Carson made me a dirty martini while we cooked...

We stopped by Santa Monica Seafood and bought swordfish and more snow crab claws...

...and I tried to recreate the dipping sauces from The Hungry Cat. Cocktail sauce with extra horseradish and a ground mustard sauce with dijon and a tiny bit of mayo...

Then I made a salsa to serve with the swordfish consisting of mango, avocado, cherry tomatoes, cilantro, dill, olive oil and lime juice. Could have used some jalapeno. Next time.

Grilling swordfish...

...Carson always thinks its funny when I tell him he makes perfect grill marks. Is that a super easy thing to do or something?

I also steamed an artichoke, cut it in half, and he threw it on the grill for a few minutes.

So that was dinner, my friends. Really perfect and we were in bed by 9pm. Oh the exciting nightlife of a mother! Sunday morning...

YES. Mimosas and Bloody's...

The boys took me out for a surprise brunch at Casa Del Mar, a beautiful hotel by the sea. I like saying "sea." We ate crispy squash blossoms and burrata cheese and lobster and oh my GOD, I feel like a spoiled brat. Carson knows just how to make me feel special... with food. And of course, no Mother's Day would be complete without a tackle...

I am blessed.


  1. Happy Mother's Day! Sounds like a PERFECTLY delicious weekend. Now I want to go eat some seafood! XO

  2. Sounds like a perfect weekend! Happy (belated) Mother's Day!

  3. Loved everything about this post. Especially the tackle. What fun!


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