

Angel Food Cake

Did anyone else's long weekend feel extra long? I hope so. Saturday was not 3 days ago, I don't care what anyone says. It was at least 7. If it were less than that, I would still have the flavor of this angel food cake in my mouth. Instead, I sit here at 6am and long for it... like a distant memory... (blogging before coffee = deep Siri).

Have I mentioned my sister is leaving me? Up and taking off for Chi-Town. She moves before her birthday so on Saturday, we celebrated with food and friends and Angel Food Cake. Delicious, fluffy, you-sort-of-want-to-use-it-for-a-pillow, cake.

I used GOD'S recipe, and opted to omit the chocolate and serve it with fresh strawberries and homemade whipped cream instead (heavy whipping cream, couple tablespoons of sugar and a splash of vanilla, whipped).

whipped egg whites...

folding in the flour and sugar (it says to sift it four times, I did it once, I refuse to sift anything more than once)...



distant memory...


  1. Yummmm. And I wish I could have been there too :)

  2. I love angel food cake. That's on my list of things to bake this summer.

  3. I rediscovered angel food cake this weekend and can't believe I haven't eaten it in 15 years or more. Now I'm going to make my own...


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