

Siriously? I'm Serious: Could do without...

...getting hot oil sprayed in my face.

That is a picture of me after I was sprayed in the face with hot oil. Not right after, because when it happened I made a noise like this, "whaaaoooohmpgh!!" and started crying like a baby. The above picture was taken a few minutes after, once I had recovered from the shock/pain that grease-in-eyeball evokes and was only mildly cursing my love of cooking.

So, I have a question you Celebrity Chefs that fry bacon and chicken on the television... how do you avoid the scalding hot grease that spews all over the kitchen?? Does someone ever yell CUT! while you make "whaaaoooohmpgh!!" noises and cry like a baby? No? That's just me? Liars.

*So I ask you, dear people of the Internet, what could you do without in the kitchen?"


  1. I could do without touching raw meat, especially chicken. Gross. Sometimes I steal extra pairs of exam gloves from the doctor's office so I can use them to handle raw meat instead of with my bare hands. I also use them when handling raw jalapenos. I'm a criminal, but one less likely to get salmonella poisoning.

  2. P.S. sorry to hear about the burn face. :-( They probably have to cover up all the burn scars on Paula Deen's face with flesh colored mortar caked on with a trowel by now. That woman loves to fry!

  3. I also cannot stand grease splatter. I refuse to cook bacon on the stove because of it. I will usually cook in the oven. OUCHHHH!

  4. they have those metal covers for just that reason. they are circular, have a handle and fit right over your pan. Know what I'm talking about?

  5. Crumbs.. they drive me mad. I'm constantly wiping and washing.. I swear the damned things multiply on their own.

  6. Ugh grease splatter = not good! It does make you wonder what happens on all those cooking shows if something were to go wrong, they would probably still air it though because then that would just be considered - GOOD TV hahahaha ratings!

  7. BTW: I LOVE your kitchen!!

  8. Jess - we're actually on vacation and it's not my kitchen, but it is pretty great!

  9. this is one of my worst nightmares. EVERYTIME i fry something, i'm 100% sure the earth is going to implode and hot lava grease is blow up all in my shit. this is why i never cook.

    and also because everyone says my food sucks.

  10. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I use a cicular piece of stiff screen to put over the pan. Lets the stem out good but keeps the splatters in the pan


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