

Rainbow Birthday Cake

Check out what I might attempt for my son's first birthday...

Via this cool blog. Thanks cool blog!

I might get really ambitious and make my own white cake and some sort of frosting. Cream cheese? Any suggestions? Please keep in mind this will be my son's first taste of sugar...

Is it wrong that I can't wait? I want him to know and love, like I do, the joy that is sugar.


  1. My mouth is watering already. Yum. Cake. You maybe should make it with breastmilk if you make from scratch. Just sayin'.

  2. Yuck! Ingrid!! I was getting excited about this cake :) Love the colors, and yes please, do cream cheese frosting.

  3. p.s. I hope to take some pretty pictures of this creation when it is complete!

  4. that is so so SO cool!!! I showed it to my daughter and she now wants it for her birthday. That's in Nov, I'm pretty sure we'll have to make a test run before then!

    Oh and cream cheese icing would be delish - or a fluffy 7 min frosting would be good too. :)

  5. This cake is pure happiness.

  6. Gretchen, I am laughing my evil laugh at your internet scold right now. :) I can't stop giggling. Clearly I am not losing my lack of maturity with age.

    My vote is buttercream, of course.

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I absolute love it. Great job!!!!

  8. SO excited for you make this! I can't wait to read about it because in about a month I will be attempting to make some sort of Rainbow Cake for Sawyer's 2nd b-day... Possibly a Rainbow/Red Velvet flavored cheesecake... Num!

    Cream cheese frosting is a must!

  9. Love this! Super cute. Might have to try it in two weeks for my daughter's fifth - under the icing decorated with fairies, OMG.

    I have to go against the grain and say buttercream, though. I could eat that stuff all day long.


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